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Unit 10  By the time I got outside

      the bus had already left.

Section A 


1.Had they g________ up by the time I came back home?

2.I was late for school because I o________ this morning.

3.Don’t forget to l________ the door when you leave.

4.Did you see who ________ (打破) the window?

5.They are going to ________ () up the stairs.


1.He told me he ________ (fly) to Hainan three times before.

2.Before Sonia became a teacher, she ________ (be) a nurse for two years.

3.I ________ (feel) very tired when I got home, so I ________ (go) to bed soon.

4.I forgot ________ (meet) him in Beijing 3 years ago. But he still remembers me.

5.The bus ________ (break) down halfway, so I had to walk to school yesterday.


(  )1.—Sorry, Mr.Green.I ________ my English book at home.

          —That’s OK, but don’t forget next time.

        A.forgot          B.forget

        C.left            D.kept

(  )2.By the time my mother returned from morning exercise, I ________ on the way to school.

        A.was                  B.had been    

        C.has been              D.am

(  )3.When they arrived at the station, the bus ________ already ________ for ten minutes.

        A.has; left             B.had; left 

        C.had; been away      D.has; been away

(  )4.—How was your yesterday’s exam?

          —Too bad. ________ I got to school, it had already started.

        A.By time          B.At time        

        C.By the time      D.At the time

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